Monday 26 September 2011

Mission Fairs are Important

Mission Fairs are Important
Mission Fairs are very important because it raises money for the poor people in South Africa and everyone else in the world who are poor!
Firstly, if Caritas (Which is a group that raises money for the poor) runs out of money, then some people could die because they have no money for food, water, clothes and more stuff like this!
Secondly, if we learn to give to others instead of ourselves, then we’ll grow up with that habit and we’ll keep on giving!
Thirdly, if you’ve got something still in good nick that you don’t want, you could donate it to the mission fair and it will go to a good home, plus you’ll feel good about it because some money will have been paid for that item and that money will go to the needy
Finally, students have lots and lots of fun because most of the time we have games as well. Also everyone at this school likes to relax and have a good time, even the teachers!
So come on down on the last day of term, spend some money, play some games, wear mufti and help the poor!!!

                                                                                                                     By Zoe

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