Wednesday 17 April 2013


The sun
The sun is very important because it gives us energy and fuel for our cars.
The sun is made out of gas, in the middle of the sun is called a core. Did you know the earth has a core? Some planets are also made out of gas like Saturn. The outside of the sun is called the surface.
We use the sun for fresh air and solar energy and for sunlight. Without the sun, people will die but if there is sunlight people will be alive.
The sun is 150,000,000 km away from earth. We wouldn’t have any oxygen, weather, water, food or life on earth.
I learned so many things about the sun.                                                                        By Mary Jane 

The sun

The sun is a giant star that lights up all the planets. Earth orbits the sun every year. It also spins, that is why there is day and night. The sun is the closest and the biggest star to earth.  
The sun is a giant floating ball of gas and heat. It has a core in the center of it. The sun is the  most brightest thing in our galaxy .It is 865,000 miles long and is found in the middle of the solar system. Light and heat from the sun reaches earth in about 8 minutes. The temperature of the sun is 5500 degrees Celsius. . The suns core is about 13600000 degrees Celsius. The sun shines on the moon at night to make it bright.

The sun helps us breathe on earth because without the sun there would be no living things on earth. The sun provides water and vitamin D and other things that make the earth survive, like the water cycle. It makes trees and plants grow. The sun is 150,000,000 miles away from earth.

I think the sun is very important to make everyone survive on earth. I like the sun but it is too bright to look at.                                                                                                                                         By Indi

The sun

The Sun is a big bright star that shines in the Solar system long.
The Sun is the biggest star in all the eight planets.  It is the size of a huge ball with a lot of gases and fumes.  It sends us energy called Solar Energy that makes our electronic devices work and to make our Cars work-using fuel that comes from the Sun.
It is 150,000,000 KM long from earth so it will take years to get close to it or on top of it or to see it flare.
The sun can orbit black panels because it gets maximum solar power. The sun can send solar power to other devices like Calculators, torches and satellite dishes.  It is also very renewable which means we always use it over and over again.
Our sun study was great and I learned a lot of things about it.  
By Joel

The sun 

The sun is a big giant is a star which is really hot.
The sun is good for all people and without it there would be no life on earth. The sun is a round shape and it’s very hot. The black circles on the sun are cooler. It is millions of times greater  than the moon. The earth moves around the sun every year..
The sun is very useful because of the energy it gives us. Its energy is used for heating our homes and for heating our water. The sun helps plants grow which we eat. The sun can also be very harmful.  It can burn us and causes skin cancer. We also learnt to always wear sunscreen  on a sunny day when outside.

We enjoyed watching the DVD about the because of all the information on it. It was a good study.

Co constructed by Mrs Reddy, Samantha and Kian

The sun
At first I knew nothing about the sun, but when we studied it I learnt a lot but I wanted to know so much more.
The size for the sun is huge, to be precise ,it is 150,000,000 in diameter! It is also about 115,000,000 far away from earth as well .The sun gives energy to  small things that animals feed on. We feed off plants and animals.
The  sun which is a star  is over 1 trillion years old which is 6 times older than the earth. It will also die out in about 4 billion years. The sun will get bigger and bigger and then smaller.It will  end up as either  a supernova or a black hole.
There are lots of uses from the sun like solar energy and solar power with special solar pen that are black to absorb maximum heat. We us this power to boil water, watch TV’s and make water.

I love the sun and appreciate  it a whole much more now  that I have studied it.
 I LOVED LEARNING ABOUT THE SUN!!!                                        

  By Leo

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1 comment:

  1. I have learned some sun facts from what you have written in your stories. Thanks a lot
    Mrs Grant
