Wednesday 29 August 2012

AFRICAN DRUM LESSONS by Lingas,Jack S ,Solomon and Joel.

Who teaches us drums?
 Anton teaches us drums.
When do we play the drums?
We play the drums every Wednesday.
What kind of drums are they?
We play the Jamba and the Dun duns.
Why do we play the drums?
To push out all the bad things in life and to give the earthquakes a rumble back.
Where do we play the drums?
 In Room 4 –thanks Mr McInnes.
What have we learnt?
Play Oompa Loompa rythm , the earth rhythm and lots of warm ups to get our brains functioning.


  1. WOW! We sometimes hear you playing the drums and it sounds great and SO LOUD! Thanks for using Room 4 so we can do PMP.
    Room 1

  2. What do you like best about playing the drums? Is it easy?
    Room 2

  3. Impresive drumbing. It looks really awesome I want to try even.
    From Iuvale
