Monday 22 August 2011

Rom 5 Speech Competition 2011

Dear Parents                              
Here is an outline of how the speeches will be judged. I am sure the following guidelines will help with your child’s speech preparation.

·           Is there  there a gripping introduction?
·           Is the content clearly ordered?
·           Does  the conclusion bring the speech together?
·           Is the  speaker enjoying  the delivery?
there effective eye contact?
·           Is each word clear? (diction)
·           Can you hear the speaker well? (volume)
·           Does the expression vary?
·           Are the main ideas emphasised?
·           Is a rhythm and momentum maintained? (pace)
·           Is the subject well known?
·           Does the speech have a logical tone?
·           Does the speech follow a logical order of events?
·           Does the speech stick to the topic?
·           Are quotes used?
·               Is the speaker neatly dressed?
·               Is  the speaker relaxed?
·               Is there good use of eye contact?
·               Is the face interesting and alive?
·               Is the body language used
·               Would the audience  want to keep listening?
·               Is there something  to learn something?
·               Is it  motivating?
·               Is it  appealing  or entertaining?
·               Is the speech interesting?

Thanks for the support and interest you have in your child’s learning at school.A hard copy of this will be sent home as well.


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