Thursday, 27 August 2015


At the Assembly, Room one had a song about God creating the earth. They had some interesting facts about the earth. One was- inside the earth is hotter than the sun. Then they had another song while  each child put up a drawing of an animal, plants, stars and  people, all the things that makes our lovely earth. They stuck them on a display board.

Next we had awards.Mrs Reddy had   certificates for Chloe and Braden.Chloe got it for learning her times table and Brayden for being a kind, friendly and helpful class member.

 When assembly finished we all sang Happy Birthday to Mr Wichman and Mrs Reddy thanked everyone for donating to Daffodil Day.

We  raised $107 for this very good cause to help cancer  research.

By Chris




Cancer  is horrible .

Always go to the doctors regular.

Never stay out in the sun for too long.

Care for others who have cancer.

Everyone and anyone  can get  cancer.

Remember those who have died with cancer.
By Elizabeth

Daffodil Day!      Daffodil Day!

Fundraising for people with deadly cancer.
Doctors and nurses can find a cure.
Thanks for your donations
You have just helped another cancer victim again!

By James

Daffodils daffodils everywhere.

It feels like spring is here.

We wear a daffodil pin to show our support

 for people with cancer all over the world.

Hope by supporting the doctors and scientists

Who research to  fight cancer

May God help them.

By Kavalla


Tuesday, 25 August 2015


Today we went on the bus to Hagley Park to play netball. We played five  games against other Catholic Schools. We won one game the score was 3 to us and 2 to Christ the King. We had lots of fun and everyone played very well.
My mum came with us and she refereed a game. She enjoyed  watching us do well. We had a great day playing netball and would do it again.
Thanking all the parent help.We really
appreciated all your support effort and time.

By Amy

Monday, 24 August 2015


 While all the Kapahaka children  were practising every week the rest of us made bird masks about the birds in the book “Fifty-five  Feathers by Ben Brown and Helen Taylor.

 After a lot of discussion,practice on cardboard and experimentation with colour,we made masks for a pukeko,kea,kiwi, kakapo and takahe.
 These masks  will be displayed  with the gecko made by Room1 and 2 ,at the Cultural Festival held at the Horncastle Arena next Thursday.
We are looking forward to going to the show.   


Today Room 5 went to Life Education Centre  to learn about what our body needs to survive and what we have inside.
First we watched a movie about a boy called  Alex looking  after his own body. Next we met a group called the Brainy Bunch which were the brain, heart, muscle, stomach, lungs and intestines and learned about how they work and how to look after them.
Alex forgot to have breakfast, he missed the bus, he didn’t drink that much water for his brain, he didn’t have enough sleep and so he was  stressed because he had a maths test and he was not ready for it. 
We learned a lot  of new facts.                                                          By Salu

Saturday, 22 August 2015


This morning at 11 0’clock the senior school got on the bus  bus to Hagley Park where the netball courts and football pitches were.When we first arrived ,we walked to our court with our  hopes up, ready to play. I played centre, Anna played goal attack, Chloe played wing attack, Samoa played goal shoot, Talia played goal defence, Joyce played goal keep and Elizabeth played wing defence. Luckily we won our first game.The next game was tougher but we won again. In our third game we were puffed out, I couldn’t believe we won. It was exciting winning three games in a row.
After that it was lunch break during which  the shooters practised shooting and the rest of the team did some drills and stretches warming up for our next two games.
Just after our 30 minute break we played again but even stronger. Thankfully we won that round too keeping to our game plan. Our team’s last game was so tough(there were two boys) and because we were all tired we wanted to give up, but we gave it our best. We won 9-2 – unbelievable!
Thanks  to all the supporters , referees  and all our opponents for participating- a special thank you to the parents who came along to supervise all the teams especially Denise,Kay, Raylene and Charlie’s grandparents.


Dear Diary
As soon as the roll-call was finished we were rushed to the Mission Centre. Once we had settled in our seats the assembly started. This week was Room4's assembly. The theme of the assembly  the Twelve Apostles. Room 4 started their assembly off with a wonderful song about the 12 Apostles and  they sang beautifully. Next they had a PowerPoint about the disciples and their work-very interesting.
My  favourite part was the last song about using our hands for useful things.
After the assembly was the part for handing out the certificates. The two awards from our class were for Salu for his great organization of prayers. The other award went to Ruby for her amazing use of our game plan in netball at the Catholic Sports' tournament yesterday. Room 4 had a great assembly and I cannot wait to see next week’s assembly.
Written by Anna-Naina


                                                                 Hi Everyone
I have had an amazing holiday overseas and have come back re-charged and full of energy. Looking forward to the rest of the term and would like to start by thanking Mrs Grant for taking very good care of my class and the students  have worked hard and enjoyed the Science theme. I shall try to put up some pictures about the slam.
We have started the week with preparations for our speeches and I have spoken to most parents about this when they  attended the interviews this week to discuss a learning plan their child for the rest of the year..Thank you for your time and support.
In Re we shall finish the God Strand before starting a major study on Social Justice which will culminate with our annual Mission Fair which is organised by our class.
Multiplication and Division are the main strands of study in Maths so I woud like you to help your child to memorise the times tables- as suggested in the mid-year reports.
Another major topic of study that starts next week is SEXUALITY EDUCATION and will be learning about "Life is Mysterious" – "Changing and Growing".We shall be going to  take part in some LIFE EDUCATION  lessons provided by HAROLD next Monday.
Reading and writing will be around the above topics and theme  but we shall have a close look at arguments.
I am looking forward to the speeches and the Mission Fair which are be our main highlights..Our  assembly is on Friday 4 September and we shall also have our class Mass at 12pm that day-you are warmly invited to join us.
PE lessons will be around large ball skills - I am  very impressed with the skills acquired by the students in soccer and netball over a short period time.
Please visit our blog regularly and the school weekly newsletter to know what is happening in R5 and at school.
Remember to contact me if you wish to discuss anything. Good news are very welcome.
God Bless you all.

Here are some photos out of the hundreds I took-(Incuding SELFIES!).The children know  about most of my my adventures - I am sure they can talk about the photos.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Our netball team they are so cool......


Congratulations to our wonderful basketball team who finished the season so well and were placed 2nd.

Highlights of the week

Weekly Highlights      27-31 July
This week at school we carried on with some science experiments. Group3 did one about how to make an egg float in glass of water. They used salt to make it float.
On Thursday we did a session of choir. We sang 5 songs: Ring of Fire, Here Comes the Sun, California Dreaming and American Child.The last one was  called God Defend New Zealand. I really like Here Comes the Sun and Leroy likes the National Anthem.
On Friday is was sunny and the senior school went to netball and soccer at Hagley Park. The netball A team came 4th and the netball B team came 6th. The soccer A team came 3rd and the soccer B team came 6th.
This week at school it has been very fun with all that  Room 5 has got up to.
By Leroy and James