Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Food For Thought Education Programme in Room 5 Thursday 29 May

Chloe from the Heart Foundation took the programme on "FOOD FOR THOUGHT" in our class today followed by a visit to New World super market. It was fun learning both inside and outside the classroom.We are going to work hard to maintain and  sustain making healthy food choices .We have learned how to read information on food labels to understand how we can make informed decisions before we buy .

We learned about the different food groups and what is good and what we should eat less of.

We then had a practical session reading the labels to find information that they had for us.

Thanks to the Heart Foundation and Chloe.We are going to try hard to keep our hearts healthy!



We really enjoyed dancing to the whole school at our assembly last Friday. Thanks to Ruby,Madeline,Talia and Evie for the choreography.We  learned the  moves and practised to dance the best we could.

Monday, 26 May 2014


Ray: Finn and I would like to do a short presentation on what it means to be good neighbours. Here is a collage of our display in the foyer.

Finn: Ray and I would like to encourage you to be kind and thoughtful towards others. We have made some  posters for you to get some idea.They will be displayed in the foyer to give you ideas of how to be a good neighbour.

Sunday, 25 May 2014


I awoke to the sound of gushing
Wind blowing everywhere
 Everyone was hushing.
Not a single noise was heard,
Except the vicious rain,

Hitting my window pane.
My wishes had been betrayed,
“Rain, why not come another day?”
Such an unpleasant sight,
Giving me such a fright.
Did it have to be so windy?
The trees are swaying harshly,
The rain is coming down,
Yet I don’t hear a voice around!
The noise of the wind is bold.
I lay quiet and still,
Until it goes away.
And becomes a sunny day    by Railynnetta

Rain Descriptions Today


Horrible Weather

Trees shaking all around.
Wind howling loudly
And blowing things about.
Class room all nice and snug.
Children yelling all about during playtime.
Rain is still falling away.
Outside it’s cold and freezing wet.
I wish it goes away.
Sunshine, sunshine
Come out of your hiding place.
And give us a nice day                         By Kristyl

Today is a rainy day
It is pouring down with hail
It is pouring down with big splashes
And crashes
I’m scared
It’s weird
I’m cold.Lighting ahhhhhhhhhh !!!
I hear loud noises
It's stopping and starting.
Ahhhhhhhhhh thunder!!                               BY RUBY!


Thursday, 22 May 2014

Room 5 Term 2 Assembly

The theme of our assembly is Easter, a season which lasts for a period of 50 days.
It started on Easter Sunday when Jesus rose from the dead.
 During the Easter season we are reminded over and over again
how close the risen Jesus is to us.

Our reading and prayers tells us that the followers of Jesus shouldn’t be glum. We should always be happy, and especially during the Easter season. It is wonderful to see the brightness of the sunshine.


Ray: Finn and I would like to do a short presentation on what it means to be good neighbours. We  have a play to show you.

Finn: Ray and I would like to encourage you to be kind and thoughtful towards others. Here are some posters we made .These will be displayed in the foyer to give you ideas of how to be a good neighbour.

Please accept this gift of the candle which reminds us that Jesus is the light of the world and remember to DO THE RIGHT THING!

Come forward and receive  your  candle . 

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Room 4 and 5 Freshwater study Trip.

Dear Parents/Caregivers ,


Unfortunately the weather wasn’t on our side yesterday for our trip.We were so disappointed.

The Learning in Action team, who run this activity are very busy, so they can’t fit us in until Wednesday 18th June. The same time and same details still apply.

Please fill the form below if you are able to help on the day.

The notices went out today with your children.

Thanks for your ongoing support.

Grace Reddy.


Room 4 and 5 Freshwater study Trip.
I _______________________________ am able to help on
Wednesday 18th  June from 9am- 3pm

Monday, 12 May 2014


An Exciting Trip To The Groynes
Tomorrow at 9:00 Room 5 and 4 will be going to the Groynes to start our sustainability study on Precious Water.

Room 5 will be going on a nature walk first with some of the parents. We’re going to have a scavenger hunt after morning tea. Last of all there is a lesson .

We will need to bring sensible shoes, good cloths, a good packed lunch and water or fruit drink.

Tomorrow is going to be so exciting and fun and also a good adventure! We pray  the weather is good.                                           By Kristyl

Tomorrow we are going on  an EOTC trip..We have to be at school by 9.00 so we can approach the Groynes at estimated time  of 9.30 .

This  is the list of the list of gear we need to bring :

A hat


rain jacket

 good shoes

 a good morning tea


 an option  of after  noon snack.

 We are there for most of the day so all of the games and activities will hopefully be exciting. I think tomorrow will be a good experiencefor all the children.


Tomorrow room 4 and 5 will be going to the Groynes. We will be going there to do a nature walk, a scavenger hunt and some more fun activities. Room 4 and 5 will have to bring a water bottle, suitable footwear, a sun hat and a rain jacket. Just in case it rains. We should also bring a good morning tea and a great lunch. If so you can bring an afternoon.

Tomorrow will be fun and exciting                             By Ruby.
Tomorrow room5 and 4 are going to the Groiynes We arrive there at 9.30am .First Room5 is going on a nature walk. We need to bring boots and mufti and lunch. I think tomorrow will be a fun day.                                                                                 By Kian


On Sunday six children from Room 5 made their FIRST HOLY COMMUNION at ST JOHN’S CHURCH.

The children making their first holy communion had to arrive at half past one to take photos. The Mass started at two o’clock. We were led into the church by the two Altar servers, Harley and Lingas.

When  we reached the Altar, we bowed and slowly walked back to our named seats. The readings were read beautifully by Marie Leala and Mr Callanan. Afterwards Ruby, Railynnetta, Kristyl, Talia, Jamal and Marcarius  said the prayers of the faithful.

Not long afterwards we received the Eucharist for the first time. We went up individually and our family gathered around us as we received the Body And Blood Of Jesus and returned to our seats. Just before Mass ended we got a certificate, our lessons and Father Dan led us in song “THANK YOU GOD….”.

The Altar servers led Father Dan and us out side and Mrs Reddy took photos of us while  parents  set up the feast.
The feast had lots of food and we each got a goody bag.

We hope  all the children who made their First Holy Communion will  continue to attend mass every Sunday or Saturday.


By Jamal, Railynnetta, Kristyl, Ruby, Talia and Christian.

Thursday, 8 May 2014


We talked about how important mothers are. These are the reasons why mothers of Room 5  are so special:
Cook us food.
Love us.
Buy us clothes.
 Give us money.
Makes us happy.
Give us birth.
Help us.
Teach us values.
Are proud of us.
Give us advice.
Take care of us when we
 Feed us.
are sick.
Buy us games.
Celebrate our birthdays.
Work hard for us.
Keep us company
Are super kind.
Are fun and supportive.
Wouldn’t give up the world for us.

Mrs Reddy’s Classroom Newsletter – Term 2 2014


I hope   you all had a lovely holiday and the children looking forward to a fresh start in term 2.

There is much to do this term. I am  looking forward to lots if outdoor activities  after a wonderful ten days in sunny Brisbane.

Thanks for your thoughts and support during my injury recovery last term and rest assured that I am fully fit and very happy.
The students will continue to be guided and supported in keeping the routines to engage in learning at this level. I hope that the children will work on developing their responsibility with a positive attitude to make further progress in their school work. I shall endeavour to do the best I can to ensure their progress in all areas.
 The  assertive discipline policy in my class is designed to help  those children who  need help in acquiring appropriate behaviours to promote their own and other’s learning.
The big concept that weaves through all our learning is Sustainability so most ,if not ,all of our studies  will be around this theme.                          
RE- The major strands for the term will be HOLY SPIRIT and JESUS. The students will be involved in active ways to expand their knowledge and apply their learning through their actions and thoughts.
You shall be informed of the content of studies in your child’s RE exercise book. This book will be sent home on a regular basis with home activities to be completed with your support. This exercise enables you to understand the learning objectives. It is important that you sign each activity on completion and write a comment at the end of the study in each strand.
We shall also be studying another aspect of the Prayer Module as well as Easter,The Ascension and  Pentecost in the Liturgical Year module.
The Family Whanau book is an invaluable resource for parents to have at  home as it gives you all the necessary information about the RE programme from Year 1 to Year 8.You may buy it or borrow one from school the  office.
SCIENCE/TECH – Precious Water - focusing on water, a vital resource, the consequences of human activities and choices and actions we need to take to reduce some of the harmful activities..
Maths-   Number –Addition and Subtraction and, Algebra.
Reading- Reading for Understanding, Connection and Inference.
Written Language- Description focus.
PE- Large Ball Skills-Invasion Games
The Arts –  Music- Recorder
ICT-Research on the internet, publishing skills.
HEALTH – Food for Thought.
·      Do your homework
·      Sleep at 8.00pm
·       Bring your homework back  to school daily.
Reminders - Parents
Your child will need the following supplies kept at school-a pencil, a ruler ,red and black pen, and glue stick and scissors.
* A separate set of supplies should be kept at home.
*Please check and sign off homework checklists each night and  the reading log.
Read weekly school newsletter and visit to make your comments.
Term 2 Highlights
RE:Room 5 Assembly- Check weekly school newsletter.
Super-market Visit to complement our health topic.
Samoan Culture Day
Parish/School Mass.
Kapaka Programme
Groiynes Excursion-Science Topic
PE-SEZones Sports’Tournament
Please read the newsletter for dates and times.
Homework-Monday to Thursday eah week:
·        RE-regular home activities.
·        Reading for 15 minutes each night
·         Spelling and skills exercises based on their list of word
·         Basic Facts revision of addition, Subtraction and times tables.
·        Extras- as required to complement the learning at school.
Please feel free to contact me at school through a note (in an envelope ),email   , or call me at school to make an appointment if necessary.
I welcome your suggestions and am looking forward to working with you to make term 2 successful and happy.